The British Herpetological Society


The British Herpetological Society is one of the oldest and most prestigious Societies of its kind in the world. Founded in 1947 by Britain's leading herpetologists, the BHS still enjoys national learned status.

The Society's Herpetological Journal is ranked as one of the leading scientific publications devoted to herpetology. The Society actively supports Conservation, Research, Education and responsible Captive breeding.


Exclusive BHS Branded Gear!

We’ve teamed up with Tailored Branding to offer a range of BHS branded clothing items, so anyone can represent the Society in style during fieldwork, events, and beyond. From comfortable t-shirts to durable outerwear, members can now showcase their affiliation with pride!

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Join the British Herpetological Society

Join the British Herpetological Society

Our membership subscriptions give you instant online access to the latest issues of our publications and a range of other benefits.

Whether you are a conservationist, a scientist, a field naturalist, or if you are interested in reptile and amphibian husbandry, the Society has something to offer. 

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Join the Young Herpetologists

Join the Young Herpetologists

The Young Herpetologists (YH) is the junior section of the British Herpetological Society open to anyone from the age of 5 to 17 years.

Based on the platforms of sound conservation practice and regard for animal welfare, the YH is an ideal way to encourage today's new generation of young amphibian and reptile enthusiasts.

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The Herpetological Journal

The Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal, ranked as one of the leading scientific publications devoted to herpetology.

The Herpetological Bulletin

Our quarterly publication focuses on natural history, captive breeding and husbandry, veterinary and behavioural articles.

The Natterjack

The members ebulletin covers all aspects of the society's activities and interests; whatever your herp-related interests, there will be something for you.

BHS Reports

This section will host periodic BHS reports on topics or areas that we consider relevant to BHS members. The reports are all Open Access as want to make the information within them freely available.

Latest Issue:

Amersham Meeting Report 2023 - conservation, captive breeding and fieldwork



UK Conservation

UK Conservation

Working in partnership with UK initiatives to conserve our native herpetofauna.

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International Conservation and Captive Breeding

International Conservation and Captive Breeding

Promoting responsible captive breeding and maintenance of reptile and amphibian species and international captive breeding conservation initiatives.

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Educating to promote awareness, disseminate information and develop an understanding in the fields of Herpetology and Herpetoculture.

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Supporting academic research by providing grants, scientific meetings and other research activities.

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