The British Herpetological Society

Emergency Reptile Rescue Information

Find out what to do if you find an unusual reptile or amphibian on your premises or in your home or garden.

If you are NOT a herpetologist or keeper of herptiles and you find an unusual reptile or amphibian on your premises or in your home or garden, you can contact Chris Newman of the Federation of British Herpetologists on the numbers below.  Chris will liaise with the nearest retailer or private keeper  with serious experience of reptiles and amphibians to investigate and if appropriate remove the animal.

Chris Newman:  

Landline: 023 8044 0999

Mobile: 07897 692060

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Please do NOT contact Chris if you are a keeper yourself and are trying to rehome surplus or unwanted animals.  If this is your situation, contact details and a process for rehoming unwanted reptiles or amphibians can be found in this document:

pdfFBH National Homing Scheme