The British Herpetological Society

This journal is part of our legacy archive. For historical interest we have made these volumes available as open access downloads.

The British Journal of Herpetology was published between 1948 and 1984 before transforming into The Herpetological Journal, reflecting the much wider geographic and taxonomic breadth of research that was being conducted in the mid-1980s onwards. Initially the British Journal of Herpetology was solely focussed on the publication of research articles and notes on British herpetofauna, but as time progressed, it welcomed manuscripts on species from further afield, as well as those focussing on captive husbandry and laboratory protocols.

As a historic publication, the British Journal of Herpetology is no longer accepting submissions, but went through six volumes, all with twelve issues each during its print run. The editors for these were as follows: Dr Angus d'A. Bellairs (1949-1953), Dr R. Maxwell Savage (1953-1957), Dr Angus d'A. Bellairs (1957-1964), Dr Harold Fox (1965-1976), and Dr M. Peaker (1977-??).

pdf Volume 6, Number 12, June 1985


Open Access

  • Habitat and other environmental characteristics of the natterjack toad, Bufo calamita Laur., in Sweden. By C. Andren and G. Nilson pp. 419
  • The timing and duration of the breeding migration of the common toad (Bufo bufo) at Llandrindod Wells Lake, Mid-Wales. By P. M. Slater, S. P. Gittins, and J. D. Harrison pp. 424
  • Osmotic fragility of red blood cells in three species of Amphibians. By G. Degani pp. 427
  • The emergence of postmetamorphic smooth newts from a pond in southern England. By P. A. Verrell pp. 430
  • Autumnal migration and aquatic overwintering in the common frog, Rana temporaria (Short Note). By P. A. Verrell and T. R. Halliday pp. 433
  • Are marine iguana tails flattened? (Short Note). By C. R. Tracy and K. A. Christian pp. 434
  • Viability of the eggs of the day-gecko Phelsuma sundbergi exposed to sea water (Short Note). By A. S. Gardner pp. 435
  • Aspects of the ecology of Testudo hermanni in southern Yugoslavia. By R. Meek pp. 437
  • Aspects of the population age-structure of the common toad (Bufo bufo) at Llandrindod Wells Lake, Mid-Wales. By S. P. Gittins, R. I. Kennedy, and R. Williams pp. 447

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This is a legacy journal which is out of print and no longer accepting submissions. You might be interested in making a submission to one of our current publications, The Herpetological Journal and The Herpetological Bulletin.

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