The Herpetological Bulletin is a quarterly publication in English. It includes full-length papers, natural history notes, book reviews, and other items of general herpetological interest. Emphasis is placed on natural history and conservation as well as captive care that includes breeding, husbandry, veterinary, and behavioural aspects.
A natural history of Ranavirus in an eastern box turtle population.
Beltzer, W. & Seibert, S. (2010). A natural history of Ranavirus in an eastern box turtle population.Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter. In Press
PCBs in Sea Turtles in the Canaries
Orós, J., González-Díaz, O.M. & Monagas, P. (2009). High levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in tissues of Atlantic turtles stranded in The Canary Islands, Spain. Chemosphere 74 (3),473-478.
Global Amphibian Extinction Risk Assessment for the Panzootic Chytrid Fungus.
Rödder, D., Kielgast, J., Bielby, J., Schmidtlein, S.,
Bosch, J., Garner, T.W.J., Veith, M., Walker, S., Fisher, M.C. & Lötters, S. (2009). Global Amphibian Extinction Risk Assessment for the Panzootic Chytrid Fungus. Diversity 1, 52-66.