The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Bulletin is a quarterly publication in English. It includes full-length papers, natural history notes, book reviews, and other items of general herpetological interest. Emphasis is placed on natural history and conservation as well as captive care that includes breeding, husbandry, veterinary, and behavioural aspects.

pdf 07. Natural History Notes


Open Access

  • Vipera berus (adder): Feeding
    Terry Sweeting
  • Crotalus viridis (western rattlesnake) and Pituophis catenifer (gopher snake): Reproduction 
     Milton Yacelga and Karen E. Swaim
  • Natrix natrix (grass snake): Egg-laying sites
    John Baker
  • Itapotihyla langsdorffii (casque-headed treefrog): Male combat 
    Fábio Maffei, Flávio Kulaif Ubaid and Jorge Jim
  • Clelia plumbea (mussurana): Prey 
    Leandrode Oliveira Drummond,Henrique Caldeira Costa and Maria Rita Silvério Pires 
  • Lacerta bilineata (western green lizard): Field injury
    Roger Meek

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