The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 1, Number 03, December 1986 Volume 1, Number 03, December 1986

pdf 01. Sexual selection and body size in amphibians


Open Access

pp. 86-92

Authors: T. R. Halliday And P. A. Verrell

Abstract: Sexual behaviour in amphibians is very diverse and variable. We examine Shine's ( 1979) conclusion that large male body-size is associated with combat and suggest that such a simplistic analysis is inadequate. We review briefly the recent literature and conclude that a full understanding of the role of sexual selection in amphibians requires a greater knowledge of variability in mating behaviour, alternative mating strategies, life history patterns, particularly growth, and physiological constraints on sexual behaviour.

pdf 02. Notes on the morphometrics and spot patterns of female smooth newts (Triturus vulgaris) at a coastal site in Lincolnshire


Open Access


Authors: T. Clifford

Abstract: Adult female Triturus vulgaris breeding at seven small ponds within a freshwater marsh at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes National Nature Reserve were measured, weighed and examined for throat and belly spotting.

When the data were combined it was found that 26. 8 percent ± 4.2 per cent S. E. of the total population had immaculate throats. Immaculate-throated newts tended to have fewer, smaller and usually less distinct belly spots than the normal spotted-throated form. All the immaculate-throated newts in the sample were found to have dark-yellowish throat and lower mandible pigmentation.

There were no significant morphometric differences between immaculate-throated and spotted-throated newts at the study site although the immaculate-throated animals were found to have a significantly shorter head + body length than those recorded in mid Wales by Harrison, Gittins and Slater (1981). Both immaculate-throated and spotted-throated newts at the study site were found to be significantly lighter than those recorded by Frazer ( i 983) and Harrison et al. ( 1 981 ).

It is suggested that the high incidence of immaculate-throated female smooth newts at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR is the result of the 'founder effect'.

pdf 03. The distribution of newts, Triturus spp , in the Peak District, England


Open Access


Authors: D. W. Yalden

Abstract: I. Surveys of the distribution of newts, Triturus spp. in the Peak District show a distinct geographical separation between the species. T vulgaris and T cristatus occur principally on the Carboniferous Limestone, in ponds of pH >7.0. T helveticus occurs on the Carboniferous Millstone Grit and Shales in more acid ponds of pH <7.0.
2. However, the attitudinal distribution of these species s hows that T. helveticus is not a 'montane' species, as h as been alleged, but occurs mostly in ponds below I OOO ft (305m) . whereas T. vulgaris and T cristatus occur mostly in ponds above that height.
3. Both field work and inspection of the I :25,000 O.S. maps indicate an abundance of small field ponds suitable as breeding ponds for T vulgaris and T cristatus. Though population sizes in any one pond may be small, the overall density of ponds suggests that total population are high, a n d o f no immediate conservation concern .

pdf 04. The intrinsic innervation of the male reproductive system of a freshwater turtle Trionyx gangeticus (Cuvier)


Open Access

pp.102- 106

Authors: R. J. Rao

Abstract: The intrinsic nerve supply of the male reproductive system of Trionyx gangeticus has been studied by histological and histochemical methods. Thin nerve fibres penetrate the tunica propria and enter the cellular portion of the seminiferous tubule. Some nerve fibres are also associated with blood vessels and interstitial cells. Nerve endings are observed in close association with interstitial cells. The functional relationship of the nerve supply to interstitial cells is discussed. The nerve supply of the testis differs along with the changes that occur in the testis. During the breeding season, no clear-cut asssociation of nerve fibres, either with vessels or with Leydig cells, could be established. Acetylcholinesterase-positive nerve fibres are present in the testes surrounding each seminiferous tubule. Cholinesterase activity is mainly restricted to the intertubular space. The epididymis and vas deferens contain few nerve fibres and the density of innervation differs in different regions of the spermatic duct is discussed.

pdf 05. Weight and measurement data on the grooved tortoise Testudo sulcata (Miller) in captivity


Open Access


Authors: Z. N. Mahmoud, D. A. El naiem,  and D. M. Hamad

pdf 06. Routes and speed of migrating toads (Bufo bufo L) a telemetric study


Open Access


Authors: Jan J. Van G Elder, Henk M. J. Aarts And H Enri-jan W. M. Staal

Abstract: Eleven toads were tracked telemetrically during migration to and from the spawning site. Routes were established. No differences in speed could be detected between males and females or during  migration to and from the spawning site. Mean speed was about 30 metres per hour. Speed is influenced (from 22.8 to 49. 8 m/h) by the type of vegetation.

pdf 07. Water loss from Trionyx triunguis eggs incubating in natural nests


Open Access

pp.115- 117

Authors: Adah Leshem And Razi Dmi'el

Abstract: In Israel, the oviparous softshell turtle Trionyx triunguis lays its eggs in nests buried in elevated sand bars along the banks of the Alexander river. We measured the temperatures and humidity prevailing in natural nests throughout the entire incubation period (78 days), and found that the eggs' hatchability was dependent upon the substrate wetness. In dry sand (water content 0. 11 per cent, water potential -2760 kPa), the eggs lost an average of 31 per cent of their initial mass and failed to hatch. In a wetter substrate, in which the water loss of the eggs did not exceed 15 per cent, the eggs hatched successfully.

pdf 08. The feeding ecology of Podarcis erhardii (Reptilia Lacertidae) in a main insular ecosystem


Open Access


Authors: Efstratios Valakos

Abstract: Initial data on the feeding ecology (diet, prey size) of the cycladian wall lizard Podarcis erhardii (Reptilia Lacertidae) obtained during the spring and summer of 1983, is referred to in this report.

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