The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 1, Number 09, December 1989 Volume 1, Number 09, December 1989

pdf 01. The Residues in the eggs of squamate Reptiles at hatching


Open Access


Authors: D. C. Deeming

Abstract: The residues  resent in hatched eggshells of captive-bred squamates were examined and their amounts recorded . Large amounts of a semi-gelatinous fluid were typically left in the eggshell at hatching. The amount of residues. but not hatchling size, depended upon the uptake of water by the egg during incubation. 1 n some instances egg yolk was also left in the eggshell at hatching. The role of these residues in the water relations of reptile eggs have largely been ignored.

pdf 02. Aspects of the morphometry, growth related parameters and reproductive condition of Agama lizards in Ago Iwoye, Nigeria


Open Access


Authors: Olufemi Abiodun Sodeinde And Oluyemisi Abimbola Kuku

Abstract: I m mature. adult males and females of the lizard. Agama agama (L.) collected at Ago-lwoye, Nigeria during the second and third quarters of 1987, differed most in snout-vent lengths (SVL). They averaged 59 ± 3mm. 1 25 ± 2mm and 1 04 ± 3mm SVL respectively and also differed in dimensions and weights of other body structures. These structures, including scales, eyes, tail and hind limb, correlated well with SVL and grow allometrically in relation to it. They can therefore be used to separate Agama agama into age-sex classes. Females are capable of breeding at 91 mm SVL and t hose in breeding condition differed from non-reproductive members in weights and dimensions of gonadal structures ( P<0.00 1) but not S VL and body weight ( P>0. 1 0). Males in reproductive condition differed from non-reproductive ones in SVL, body weight and reproductive parameters ( P<0.00 1 ).

pdf 03. Identification of individual adders (Vipera berus) by their head markings


Open Access


Authors: Sylvia Sheldon And Christopher Bradley

Abstract: During a study of adders ( Vipera berus) in Wyre Forest, a systematic method was developed to identify individuals in the field. It was revealed that no two adders possessed identical head markings. It was shown that a photographic record was a re liable aid to identification. Furthermore it was observed that over the period of studv adders retained their individual head markings.

pdf 04. Thermal ecology of Cyrtodactylus kotschyi (Steindachner, 1870) (Sauria Gekkonidae) in the insular ecosystems of the Aegean


Open Access


Authors: Efstratios D. Valakos

Abstract: Initial data on the thermal ecology of Cyrtodactylus kotschyi from two insular ecosystems of the Aegean are reported. C. kotschyi is a thermoconformer. C. kotschyi is an eurythermic gekko and is active all the year in the ecosystems of the Aegean archipelago.

pdf 05. Notes on the biology of the high altitude lizard Lacerta bedriagae


Open Access


Authors: Aurora M. Castilla, Dirk B Auwens, Ra0ui Van Damme And Rudolf F. Verheyen

Abstract: We report preliminary data on the natural history and biometry gathered during a short-term study in a Corsian population of the lizard Lacecerta bedriagac. Lizards were encountered at heights of 1650-1950m. Main characteristics of its habitat are the presence of large rocks. boulders and rock pavements. Three size (age) classes were distinguished. Adult males average larger in body size and have larger heads and limbs than females. Females mature at a body size of 66-68 mm. Earth-worms. arthropods and plant leafs were recorded as food items.

pdf 06. The comparative population ecology of Hermanns tortoise Testudo hermanni in Croatia and Montenegro, Yugoslavia


Open Access


Authors: R. Meek

Abstract:Following initiaI studies on the population ecology of Testudo hermanni in Montenegro. Yugoslavia ( Meek . 1984: 1985: I 988a) new demographic observations have been made on additional populations of these tortoises in Croatia and Montenegro. Results indicate that Montenegren males attain a greater size than Croatian males. but there were no significant differences between the sizes of females. Adult sex ratios were in good agreement with equal numbers of males and females in Croatia; in montenegro the ratio was 1.33:1. A large proportion of individuals in both populations exceeded 19 years although the proportion was higher in Montenegro as a result of Montenegren males attaining greater age than Croatian males. Equations to describe growth trends indicate that in general females grow faster than m ales and that Montenegren females grow faster than Croatian females. Population and biomass densities. biomass production and relative biomass turnover were higher in Croatia. Survivorship was higher and mean annual recruitment lower in Montenegro but males have a higher survivorship than fem ales in both regions. Females sustained greater shell damage and physical injuries than males although generally Croatian tortoises of either sex sustained injuries at earlier ages . Sexually active males were smaller than their female partners and there were no inter-population differenccs between the sizes of males or females. AIlometric equations describe morphometric characters. confirming sexual dimorphic trends found earlier in Yugoslavia and additionally show that males have longer tails. Only male plastron length which was relatively greater in Croatian males showed inter-population differences.

pdf 09. Aspidura in the Maldives


Open Access


Authors: Carl Gans

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