The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 13, Number 1, January 2003 Volume 13, Number 1, January 2003

pdf 01. The Australian elapid genus Cacophis: morphology and phylogeny of rainforest crowned snakes


Open Access

pp. 1-20

Authors: John D. Scanlon

Abstract: The genus Cacophis, comprising four species endemic to eastern Australia, is uniquely derived among terrestrial Australasian elapid snakes in the temporal scale pattern, presence of a relatively high and narrow dorsal crest ('choanal process') on the palatine bone, and presence of keeled supra-anal scales in adult males. Recent analyses based on morphology and genetics do not completely resolve relationships among Australasian elapids, but support relationships of Cacophis with the (Furino, Glyphodon) and (Aspidomorphus, Demansia) clades, which are adopted here as outgroups for intrageneric analysis. Within Cacophis, morphoclines in size, head scalation, tooth numbers and colour patterns indicate that C. squamulosus is the sister-group to the remaining three species; among the latter, there is conflicting evidence for both (harriettae, krejftii) and (churchilli, krejftii) clades, but the latter alternative has greater support. Revised diagnoses are given for the genus and included clades, and a simple phylogeographic model proposed.

Keywords: Hydrophiinae, morphology, skull, head scales, colour patterns, behaviour, phylogeography

pdf 02. A new species of Pseudoeurycea (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from Northern Oaxaca, Mexico


Open Access


Authors: Luis Canseco-márquez And Gabriela Parra-olea

Abstract: We describe a new species of Pseudoeurycea from the northern-most high peak of the Sierra de Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico. This species belongs to the P. juarezi group, a monophyletic assemblage restricted to northern Oaxaca and comprising three species: P. juarezi, P. saltator, and P. aurantia sp. nov. Pseudoeurycea aurantia is the sister taxon to the clade formed by P. juarezi and P. saltator. The new species is diagnosed by a distinctive coloration and by divergent mitochondrial DNA sequences.

Keywords: mitochondrial DNA, new species, phylogeny, salamander, systematics

pdf 03. A review of the biology of the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, at five major nesting beaches on the south western Mediterranean coast of Turkey


Open Access


Authors: Oguz Türkozan, Ertan Tas Kavak And Çetin Ilgaz

Abstract: Most nesting by loggerhead turtles in Turkey has been recorded at 20 sites along the Mediterranean coast. In addition, sites primarily used by green turtles are also used by loggerheads. The annual number of loggerhead nests recorded on these 20 beaches ranges from 663 to 1 991, with a mean of 1 267 nests per season. We review the biology of nesting and predation at five of the most important and more regularly investigated loggerhead nesting sites (Dalyan, Fethiye, Patara, Belek and Kizilot). These five beaches may host up to 920 nests per season. With approximately 307 adults per season, the Dalyan beach has the highest capacity in terms of numbers of nests and of nesting females. Hatching success at the five beaches was negatively affected by fox predation (93% of the predated eggs on the beaches), crab predation (29.5% of the predated hatchlings), and light-pollution (42% of the hatchlings). In addition, predation by beetle larvae has been observed on the eggs at Fethiye beach ( 1 7.6% of the predated eggs at this site).

Keywords: Chelonia, egg, hatchling, nesting, predation

pdf 04. Major patterns of population differentiation in the Iberian Schreiber's green lizard (Lacerta schreiberi) inferred from protein polymorphism


Open Access


Authors: Raquel Godinho, Octávio S. Paulo, Nuno Ferrand, Cristina Luis, Humberto D. Rosa And Eduardo G. Crespo

Abstract: The genetic characteristics of the Iberian Schreiber's green lizard (Lacerta schreiberi) remain largely unknown. We investigated the population structure of this species using conventional electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing to screen 24 protein loci from 11 representative populations of the Iberian Peninsula. Thirteen polymorphic loci displaying a total of 30 alleles revealed significant partitioning of genetic variation among populations (FST =0.448). Analysis of standard genetic variability measures and allelic distribution profiles indicated that the most variable populations are located in the main distribution area of the species: the north-western corner of the Iberian Peninsula and the Spanish Central System. In contrast, southern isolated populations showed depleted levels of genetic diversity, indicating that severe restrictions to gene flow together with small population sizes are promoting genetic uniformity. We suggest that present-day patterns of genetic diversity in L. schreiberi populations are concordant with the biogeographical hypothesis of a recent expansion to the south followed by a history of contraction and fragmentation resulting in today's isolated southern populations.

Keywords: electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, Lacertidae, population genetics

pdf 05. Tracing aliens identification of introduced water frogs in Britain by male advertisement call characteristics


Open Access


Authors: Julia Wycherley , Simon Doran And Trevor J. C. Beebee

Abstract: We have used sound analysis of male advertisement calls in a study of seven introduced populations of water frogs in Britain. Discriminant analysis of call characters identified five types of water frog, notably Rana lessonae, R. esculenta, R. ridibunda, R. bergeri and R. perezi. Rana epeirotica and R. shqiperica were not detected. Typical LE (/essonae-esculenta) systems were found at two sites, R. ridibunda occurred alone at two sites and R. esculenta occurred alone at one site. The remaining two sites were more complex. One had R. ridibunda, R. perezi and R. esculenta while the seventh site had four taxa of water frog (R. lessonae, R. bergeri, R. esculenta and R. perezi). The value of call analysis for the identification of water frog populations is discussed.

Keywords: alien species, call frequency, green frogs, oscillograms, Rana

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