The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.
ISSN 0268-0130
2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.
pp. 256-265
AUTHORS: Palmira Francisca Gonçalves Ferreira, Ednaldo da Silva Filho, Larissa Coelho Marques, Relionan Pimentel Leal & José Ribamar Felipe Marques
ABSTRACT: Commercial captive turtle breeding is an opportunity for Kinosternon scorpioides scorpioides conservation, as predatory hunting, destruction and habitat degradation are the main threats to its natural populations. In this sense, the goal of this study is to provide a synthesis of knowledge about the species Embrapa-developed captive breeding system. Below, we have set up the themes in a way that makes sense in the captivity flow, discussing important information about the species in the environmental context and its management from the initial breeding stock formation up to reproductive aspects, highlighting animal behaviour and the environmental approach of the activity, to support commercial breeding from the species conservation perspective. The discussion and conclusions have shown that the species has a low invasive potential in Brazilian biomes; the captivity site needs not much space, facilities or water; captive breeding is a zootechnical and environmentally appropriate activity for the species’ conservation because it is a way to avoid spending on programs that are made only for this purpose; and increasing knowledge of reproduction using molecular genetic tools is important.
Keywords: conservation, chelonian, Kinosternon scorpioides, jurará, turtle breeding