The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

pdf 04. Life history and demography of the mud turtle Kinosternon chimalhuaca in a drainage ditch from an urban area in Jalisco, Mexico


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pp. 31-40

Authors: Ernesto Raya-García, Taggert G. Butterfield, José Garrido, Carlos Anaya-Merchant, Daniel Antelo-Barbosa, Raúl López-Vivanco, Misael Sánchez-Salazar, José Jaime Zúñiga-Vega & Rodrigo Macip-Ríos

Abstract: The Jalisco mud turtle Kinosternon chimalhuaca is an endemic species from the Pacific coast of Jalisco and Colima states, Mexico. The species has been poorly studied and much of its natural history and ecology are unknown. We analysed the demography and basic reproductive ecology of a population inhabiting a canal in a peri-urban area on the coast of Jalisco, Mexico. We use a mark-capture-recapture dataset collected over four years (2019–2022) to perform multi-state and time-symmetric open models (Pradel) to calculate population growth, recapture and transition probabilities. A total of 530 turtles were captured and marked during the study. Survival probability was higher in adults compared to juveniles. The estimated abundance of the population studied was between 699 and 778 turtles, with a sex ratio biased toward females. Using radiographs, we found that clutch size was 3.89 (± 0.81) eggs, with a range from 3 to 6 eggs, we also found evidence of pelvic constraint on egg size. The studied population is restricted to subsidised man-made canals and was considered stable. The information generated in this paper will be useful for the much needED conservation assessments of mud turtles.

Keywords: abundance, survivorship, recapture probability, reproduction, pelvic constraint, subsidised population

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Please note that as from Volume 31 Number 1 (January 2021) on, the Herpetological Journal will be available as an online publication only - the last print edition will be Volume 30 Number 4.   

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