The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 4, Number, 4 October 1994 Volume 4, Number, 4 October 1994

pdf 01. Oral diseases of reptiles


Open Access


Authors: J.E. Cooper And A. W. Sainsbury

pdf 02. Climatic factors affecting the activity of natterjacks (Bufo calamita) and common toads (Bufo bufo) outside the breeding season Mathias revisited


Open Access


Authors: Eric P. M. Grist

Abstract: A multivariate analysis was performed on a set of data which contained records on the capture rates outside the breeding season, under varying environmental conditions of the two native British toads, Bufo bufo and Bufo calamita . The data were taken from a study by Mathias ( 1971 ). Although statistical relationships within the data set were generally weak, results of the analysis suggest that activity outside the breeding season of Bufo bufo showed the stronger dependence on the recorded environmental parameters. In particular, a striking correlation was found to exist between capture rates of Bufo bufo and temperatures recorded at 30 cm below ground earlier the same day.

pdf 03. The 'survey' posture in wall lizards, Podarcis muralis


Open Access


Authors: Roger Avery

Abstract: Male, female and juvenile wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) observed living on a high, southfacing brick wall in April and August were sometimes ( 4% of total observation time in adult males) seen immobile, facing downwards in an orientation equivalent to the 'survey' posture of Anolis and other lguanidae. Some aspects of the temporal dynamics of the behaviour were investigated. It was most commonly seen in adult males during August, when there were significant trends for the frequency of the posture to increase towards the base of the wall and for the mean time spent immobile in the posture to be greater than the mean times immobile at other orientations. The 'survey' posture at the middle and higher levels of the wall appeared to be associated with topographical features such as small tufts of vegetation or bricks which stood proud from the remainder. This association could not be tested directly, but fixing a small strip of wood to the wall increased the duration of locomotor pauses and the frequency of 'survey' postures of lizards when they were immediately above it.

pdf 04. Contribution to the snake fauna of the Sulu Archipelago, with the description of a new subspecies of Dendrelaphis caudolineatus (Gray, 1 834)


Open Access


Authors: Maren Gaulke

Abstract: On the islands of Bongao, Sanga Sanga, Siasi, Sibutu, and Tawitawi (all in the Sulu Archipelago) a total of 18 species/subspecies of land snakes were recorded. The observations on the different islands resulted in many new distribution records, 19 of which are published here for the first time: five for Bongao, four for Sanga Sanga, four for Siasi, and six for Tawitawi. One of the snakes (Boiga drapiezii drapiezii Boie, 1 827) was not known before from the Philippines and the endemic subspecies Dendrelaphis caudolineatus flavescens nov. subsp. is described. The Sulu Archipelago shelters several endemic species/subspecies (e.g. Maticora intestinalis suluensis [Steindachner, 1 891 ], Oligodon meyerinkii [Steindachner, 1 891 ]). Other members of its land snake fauna are widely distributed on Borneo but occur nowhere else in the Philippines (B. d. drapiezii, Sibynophis geminatus geminatus Boie, 1827), while some are only known from the Philippines (Elaphe erythrura erythrura [Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1 854 ], Chrysopelea paradisi paradisi Boie, 1 826).

pdf 05. Effects of body temperature on the predatory behaviour of the lizard Psammodromus algirus hunting winged and wingless prey


Open Access


Authors: José A. Díaz

Abstract: The thermal dependence of predation success in the Mediterranean lacertid lizard Psammodromus algirus was studied using two types of prey (winged and wingless flies) that differed in their ability to escape predation at all Tbs (body temperatures) tested (25-27°C, 29- 32°C, and 34-37°C). Both number of failures and handling time decreased significantly at higher Tbs, and capture success was much higher for wingless flies; in fact, low Tbs were associated with a significant increase in capture success only in the case of winged flies. At low Tbs, winged flies could be efficiently seized by lizards only if pursued from a short distance. The attack distance was therefore larger for the less mobile (and less detectable) wingless flies at low Tbs, which suggests a trade-off between attack distance and capture success under conditions of impaired locomotor performance. Results of this study show that the escape abilities of prey are crucial to evaluate the effects of temperature on the performance of reptiles as predators.

pdf 06. Paedomorphosis and differences in the life history traits of two neighbouring crested newt (Triturus carnifex) populations


Open Access


Authors: M. L. Kalezic , D. Cvetkovic, A. Djorovic And G. Dzukic

Abstract: Two neighbouring crested newt populations (Ceklin and Lokanj) from Montenegro differ in several important life-history traits. Females from Ceklin laid significantly larger eggs. Larval size at hatching did not differ between Ceklin and Lokanj, but larvae from larger eggs survived better under laboratory conditions. Newts from Lokanj had a higher overall larval growth rate and a longer larval period. Consequently, they metamorphosed at larger size than Ceklin indivi duals. They also attained sexual maturity at smaller size than newts from Ceklin. It is shown that male newts with larval morphology may be sexually mature. Individuals from Lokanj population had a more plastic life-history, including facultative paedomorphosis, than individuals from Ceklin population. Out of five ontogenetic stages, juveniles and adult males showed significant interpopulation difference in size-shape trajectories. This might be the consequence of different ontogenetic pathways followed by crested newts from these populations.

pdf 07. Pleistocene amphibians and reptiles from Emirakaya-2, Turkey


Open Access


Authors: Marton Venczel And Sevket Sen

Abstract: The Middle Pleistocene fissure-filling deposits of Emirkaya-2 in central Turkey yielded numerous bones of amphibians and reptiles, belonging to at least 11 taxa: Bufo viridis, Laceria sp., Pseudopus cf. P. apodus, Scolecophidia indet., Coluber caspius, Coluber sp., Elaphe cf. E. quatuorlineata; cf. Telescopus sp., Colubridae indet., Natrix cf. N. natrix and Vipera sp. from the "Oriental vipers" group. The assemblage probably comprised only living forms occurring in the area today. The faunal composition of this locality indicate warm climate and at least a partly forested environment.

pdf 08. The number of cervical vertebrae in lacertid lizards some unusual cases


Open Access


Authors: L. J. Barbadillo And F. Barahona

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