The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 5, Number 2, April 1995 Volume 5, Number 2, April 1995

pdf 01. Temporal and spatial distribution of the golden striped salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica) along two mountain brooks in Northern Portugal


Open Access


Authors: J. W. Arntzen

Abstract: A standardized search over a nine-month period revealed that Chioglossa lusitanica population density is highest close to a source of moving water. In spring and autumn over 90% of an adult population was found within 13 m of the water source. Most adults were observed even closer to the brook in summer, at sites characterized by availability of shelter, by the presence of small waterfalls in the stream, or both. A similar but more extreme pattern was observed for juveniles. With the drying up of hiding sites in early summer, part of the adult population migrates to deep hiding places, to return to the brook in autumn.

pdf 02. Observations on seasonal and diel surface activity of the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus in south western Spain


Open Access


Authors: C. Díaz-paniagua, M. C. Blázquez, C. Keller, A . C. Andreu, G. Olmedo And J. A . Mateo

Abstract: The main activity period of Blanus cinereus occurred from March to July, and a second period with lower activity was detected in autumn. Individuals were mainly diurnal, but they also exhibited nocturnal activity in April, June and especially in July. Daily activity appeared to be related to air and surface temperatures, while the annual variation in activity was also related to underground temperature. Recaptured individuals showed little mobility, frequently persisting at the same location. The recapture rate between years was low.

pdf 03. A comparison of survey methods for crested newts (Triturus cristatus) and night counts at a secure site, 1983-1993


Open Access


Authors: A. S. Cooke

Abstract: Breeding crested newts (Triturus cristatus) were studied in two ponds at a privately-owned secure site. Numbers counted at night were found to be positively related to numbers trapped or netted using standardized techniques. Night counting was used to monitor changes in breeding numbers from 1983 to 1993. In one pond, counts declined to zero by 1990 as a result of siltation and drought conditions. In the main breeding pond, considerable year-to-year fluctuations occurred, with annual mean counts ranging from 3 to 183. A significant rise was recorded in 1985, that was attributed to exceptional recruitment to the adult population. Counts remained high until 1988, but then declined. Numbers decreased even further during the drought years of 1991 and 1992, despite small pools being dug. These small pools were evidently unattractive and were mainly ignored. After heavy rain recharged the pond in autumn 1992, counts returned to a similar level in 1993 to that recorded at the start of the study, 9-10 years before. Catches of larvae varied considerably from year to year. Larval numbers were not related to counts of adults, but were positively correlated with catches of larvae of smooth newts T. vulgaris, which also breed at the site. Implications for the conservation of crested newts are discussed.

pdf 04. Size inferences based on skeletal fragments of the common European frog Rana temporaria L


Open Access


Authors: M. Esteban, J. Castanet And B . Sanchiz

Abstract: Based on a museum collection of skeletons of adult Rana temporaria (Ranidae) from a single population in the French Daubs region, equations for regression that predict the size (total length) and mass (total weight) of the animals are presented. Twenty- six measurements based on skeletal elements were selected as independent variables for the regressions, representing the most common fragments recovered in ecological and palaeontological studies. Equations are given for males on all variables, and for males and females jointly in the 11 variables that showed no significant sexual dimorphism in the three-year age class subsample. Proximo-distal lengths are better predictors in general than transverse.

pdf 05. Comparison of the diet of adult toads (Bufo bufo L ) with pitfall trap catches


Open Access


Authors: C . A. Cornish , R. S. Oldham , D. J. Bullock And J. A. Bullock

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