The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Journal is the Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.

 ISSN 0268-0130

2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.

Volume 4, Number 1, January 1994 Volume 4, Number 1, January 1994

pdf 01. A revision of the African genus Scaphiophis Peters (Serpentes Colubridae)


Open Access


Authors: Donald G. Broadley

Abstract: Analysis of the geographical variation in the genus Scaphiophis suggests that S. raffreyi Bocourt should be reinstated as a full species, with S. calciatti Scortecci as a synonym. In S. albopunctatus Peters there are ring clines in counts of midbody scale rows and ventrals, the terminal populations in northern Zambia and south western Tanzania showing no overlap in these counts.

pdf 02. The effect of surgically implanted transmitters upon the locomotory performance of the checkered garter snake, Thamnophis m marcianus


Open Access


Authors: William I. Lutterschmidt

Abstract: The effect of both surgery and implanted transmitters upon sprint time of Thamnophis m. marcianus from two populations was assessed under laboratory conditions using a circular racetrack. The mean sprint times of snakes before surgery were 7.52 s (SE = 0.393, n = 8) and 9.69 s (SE = 0.358, n = 5) for the Arizona and Texas populations, respectively. Mean sprint times of the same snakes following surgery were 7.55 s (SE = 0.387, n = 8) for the Arizona population and 9.83 s (SE = 0.408, n = 5) for the Texas population. A repeated measures ANOV A indicated that sprint time for both non-surgery and surgery treatments did not differ significantly. Transmitter treatments consisted of implanting transmitters equalling 1 0% or 1 5% of the snake's body mass. The mean sprint times for snakes receiving either 1 0% or 1 5% transmitter treatments were statistically compared to the mean sprint time of snakes receiving the surgery treatment. A two-way ANCOV A accounting for body mass indicated that the mean sprint time was significantly reduced for snakes carrying implanted transmitters equal to 1 5% of their body mass. These results suggest that surgical techniques have no effect upon locomotory performance and that implanted transmitters for radiotelemetry of snakes should probably not exceed 1 0% of the snake's body mass.

pdf 03. The diet of adult Tupinambis teguixin (Sauria Teiidae) in the eastern Chaco of Argentina


Open Access


Authors: Claudia Mercolli And Alberto Yanosky

Abstract: Analysis of the number, weight and volume of food items in the digestive tracts of 70 teiid lizards, Tupinambis teguixin, were obtained during spring-summer from areas neighbouring El Bagual Ecological Reserve in northeastern Argentina. The food items revealed the species to be a . widely-rang'.ng opportunistic omnivorous forager. Tupinambis consumed a large proportion of fruits, invertebrate and vertebrates. The species forages in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats, but no evidence was obtained for arboreal feeding habits. A sample of 27 to 49 digestive tracts is sufficient to reveal 80-90% of the prey types in the diet.

pdf 04. Tree and substrate selection in the semiarboreal scincid lizard Eumeces laticeps


Open Access


Authors: William E. Cooper, Jr  And Laurie J. Vitt

Abstract: Broad-headed skinks occupied a range of substrates during the daily activity period. Although they foraged and engaged in social behaviour on the ground, two-thirds of individuals were initially observed on trees and other vertical surfaces. In using both trees and ground as sites for foraging and social activities, these skinks are similar in microhabitat use to trunkground anoles. Substrate occupation differed significantly between adults and juveniles, adults occurring more frequently on oaks and ground, juveniles on wall s, pine trees, and palmettos. Adult males and females had substantially, but not quite significantly different substrate distributions. The lizards occupied oak trees much more frequently than expected by chance, strongly preferring them to palmettos and pines. There is some evidence that they may actively avoid pines. No significant differences were detected in perch height among age and sex categories during the daily activity period, but sample sizes were small and differences might occur at other times of day or in other seasons.

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