The British Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Bulletin is a quarterly publication in English. It includes full-length papers, natural history notes, book reviews, and other items of general herpetological interest. Emphasis is placed on natural history and conservation as well as captive care that includes breeding, husbandry, veterinary, and behavioural aspects.

Issue Number 108 – Summer 2009 Issue Number 108 – Summer 2009

pdf 02. A survey of reptiles and amphibians on Kinmen Island, Taiwan


Open Access

Daniel Saenz, Heather v. Podlipny, Pei-Yu Tasi, d. Brent Burt and Hsiao-Wei Yuan

pdf 04. Frogs of Dominica, with notes on habitat use by two species of Eleutherodactylus


Open Access

Ruth E. Carter, Craig S. Berg, Jeffrey W. Ackley and Robert Powell

pdf 09. Natural History Notes


Open Access

  • Philodryas nattereri (Paraguay Green Racer): ophiophagy
    Paulo Cesar Mattos Dourado de Mesquita and Diva Maria Borges-Nojosa
  • Siphlophis longicaudatus (Brazilian Spotted Night Snake): habitat
    Laura Rodrigues Vieira de Alencar, Alexandre Ferreira Righi, Luciana Barreto Nascimento and Sérgio Augusto Abrahão Morato
  • Ablepharus kitaibelii (Snake-eyed Skink): habitat
    Alex J. Ramsay and Todd R. Lewis 


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